
How does our process begin?

The way all relationships should begin: We listen to you. We want to know all about you and what your dreams are. We are all yours as it’s all about you.

Fill out our questionnaire.

We learn about you—your goals, product, service, and organization. We learn enough for an estimate, a proposal, and to see if we're a good match. Have an budget in mind, No problem! Share it.

Should we work together? If the answer is yes, we sign an agreement and schedule you in.

The heart & Soul is the Matter!

You bring us your content. For some, this is the painful part, the sticking point that halts a project. But content is the core of your site, and it must be just right. What activity or response do you want to encourage; what story do you want to tell, and what sort of "voice" will tell it?

We also ask for wireframes that show us what you want on each page of your site. These details help us fine-tune the cost of your site and lead us to the design phase. No wireframes? Depending on the complexity of your site, we can recommend us to do all the wireframe until we get it exactly right, right? Will guide you, spark ideas, and create your wireframes.


Design is a statement and lets keep it that way!

Design it’s works hard, transforming a sketch, a wireframe, or a blank screen into a living, breathing experience that communicates powerfully and creatively, reaching out to your users so they can effortlessly get what they came for.

Our job is to bring your site to life, to attract and guide your users, to communicate your message, to infuse the site with your identity, yet somehow be invisible, so your visitors are magically wowed without ever knowing how.

The Dance Begins

We take what we've learned about you, the services you need, your content, your wireframe, and our design, the navigation and create a first set of mockups. This is when you'll first see our recommendation for the "look and feel" of your site.

After our first mockups, we ask for your views. We make changes in response to your comments—refining, finessing, and seeking the perfect solution, within the number of iterations we agree on in our contract. We recommend that you choose the smallest team possible to judge our work and make final decisions. As the say “ too many cooks spoils the broth”

We want to create a masterpiece that captures your target market and not what aunty Tilly thinks!


Making it real now “ ITS ALIVE”

Contact us and tell us what your thinking!