I don’t trade online. Do I really need a website?

My business doesn’t trade online. Do I really need a website? It is important for any business to have a presence on the World Wide Web. Customers judge companies on the strength of their websites and the freshness of their site content. Studies show websites have now become the primary method of researching and purchasing of products and services world-wide today.

A good website increases your credibility and is just as essential as business cards, stationary and other promotional material. It will help your business build trust with both existing and potential customers.

A website is also an extremely cost effective sales tool. Many Businesses can spend huge amounts of money marketing each year – we can advertise your business on a global scale for just $715! Your website will advertise your business to the whole world through a shop-front that never closes; 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! So why wait? Give your business the boost it deserves. Contact us today and we’ll prove to you that we is not only one of the most cost-effective ways to get your business online, but also the quickest and easiest!

What else can a website do?

People can refer your business onto others by directing them to your website, enhancing customer relations and efficiently marketing your business for you.

A website can easily communicate your goals, testimonials, vision, or company history. It can also advertise goods or services available from your business and give your customers the opportunity to order your products or services from anywhere in the world!

Your website will generate new business and remains a point of contact more accessible than your physical address. Your website also works extremely well as an online brochure, which you can use to direct customers to that are interested in learning more about your products or services.

What if I already have a website?

If you already have a website for your business we can discuss ways of improving it with you. With so many of your competitors online, it is vital that your site is current both in content and design to ensure you don’t miss out on clients and sales.

Recent studies prove most potential buyers formulate a lasting opinion of a company based on the first few moments of browsing that company’s website – What’s more, “if people believe a website looks good, then this positive quality will spread to other areas, such as the website’s content” (see: BBC article First Impressions Count).

I need a website for my business, where do I begin?

The first step in getting online is to work out what you want your website to do and how you want it to look. If you unsure about these two things make sure you discuss this with our sales representative.

I have just signed up for a website what happens now?

You will need to provide us with a few preliminary materials so we can start on your design. Meanwhile, it is also a good idea to start compiling the materials you will want to put on the site like pictures and text.

What preliminary material do we need?

• Your company logo as well as some examples of your recent advertising material so we can get an idea of how you like to present your business to the public.

• A list of the pages you would like to have on your website and brief description of their content.

• Some examples of websites you have seen that you like and a brief explanation of why you like the site. These websites do not have to relate to the industry you are in.

• If you do not have these materials it is important that you talk to your we sales rep and explain what you would like and try and provide some visual examples. The more you explain at this stage, the better we will be able to create an effective design.

So what happens next?

We will create a mock up of your webpage and send it to you via email. Proofing your mockup you should take a good look at the mock up and advise we of any changes you would like to make to the design. Have a good look at the menu items, colours, page size and text styles because this is what your website will look like – the text and pictures may change but the page will look the same.

What can I change when I get the mock up?

You can request any changes you like at this stage. It is important to advise we of any changes you would like at this stage because once the site starts to be coded (which is the next step in production), changes to the page design and navigation can incur extra costs.

If I’m happy with the design what happens next?

We will provide you with an artwork approval form to complete. Once you have signed off and faxed the form back to us we can start coding your site. Now you can send us the content for your site.

Do I have to provide you with all the pictures on my website?

Yes – while we do have a limited stock library we don’t have specific images related to your business so we ask that you provide us with any images you wish to have on your site. We strongly recommend that you use professional photographs on your site. We can take these pictures for you if you like.

Do I have to provide you with all of the text on my website?

You have two options when providing text to us:

• You may provide your own text in electronic form (text provided in print form may incur a transcription fee).

• You may purchase the services of a copywriter, we offer this as an additional service and can arrange this upon request. Some important points on providing content:

You must provide all of your text and images together in one go – please do not send us your content over a period of days and weeks.

When supplying text to we there are some important things to remember: We do not proof your copy and we take no responsibility for the spelling, grammar and accuracy of text you provide. We will copy and paste the text directly from the file you provide. If you provide us with text which you later decide to change, we may charge for these changes, so please ensure that you send copy that is properly edited and up-to-date.

Be sure to provide us with a brief description of your website and a list of keywords relating to your business to add to the meta-tags of your website.

If you provide we with images you have downloaded from someone else’s website please note that you risk breaching copyright and that we cedes responsibility for copyright to you.

What if I have more questions I need to ask?

If you have any questions about we websites or any of our other services, please feel free to contact us